FAQs for UWI Staff

FAQs for UWI Staff


What is UWIchoice?

UWIchoice is the acronym for the UWI Cave Hill Online Insight Community for Enhancement. UWIchoice is an online community of UWI students who want to make it easier for you to make decisions. It’s a diverse group. Membership is open to all students – those who are mature or young, of all nationalities and backgrounds, and with a broad range of interests, including a strong interest in improving processes and services for students at UWI Cave Hill. Members have signed up to regularly provide feedback to units like yours by completing online research activities.

Which departments and units can use UWIchoice for research?

Any UWI Cave Hill Campus Faculty, department or unit can submit research questions and receive answers from UWIchoice within a short time.

Who runs UWIchoice?

UWIchoice is administered by the Student Experience Team (SXT), Office of Institutional Planning & Infrastructural Services at The University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus.

What kind of research is suitable for UWIchoice?

Consider using UWIchoice if you want to get feedback or input about programmes, processes or services that are likely to appeal to a broad group of students, and if you need research results in a relatively short period of time. Research questions that are likely to be suitable include those that are relatively easy-to-answer and aimed at: developing a better understanding of current students and their evolving needs; understanding students’ awareness or perceptions of programmes, processes or services; or getting feedback about programmes, processes, services that are being planned/ re-designed, or have recently been launched. SXT will review your brief and design UWIchoice research activities that are best suited to your needs. Such activities may take the form of quantitative research (e.g. surveys), as well as qualitative research, which asks participants for more in-depth responses, or is exploratory in nature.

Note that online insight community research may not be suited to niche student groups, as there may not be sufficient numbers within UWIchoice who fall into such specialist groups and can provide robust research results.

How can my unit start using UWIchoice for research?

The first step is to tell us about your research interests – what would you like to know? An easy way to do this is to send us a research brief. You can download and use our research brief template by clicking here, or just send an email to koelle.boyce@cavehill.uwi.edu describing what you hope to find out, and how you would like to use that information.

How does the research process work?

We will review your research brief or other submission and contact you in case we need further information or would like to discuss your requirements. After we have a clear, mutual understanding of your needs, we will submit a proposal for the research for your review. When we agree on the approach, SXT will coordinate the research activity, inviting UWIchoice members to participate.

After UWIchoice members complete the research activity, within two weeks, SXT will provide you with an electronic report of findings. This will include any breakdowns that you have requested e.g. results by respondents’ age, gender or nationality. In return, you will be required to provide an update on your usage of feedback provided by UWIchoice (e.g. decisions made, new approaches considered or implemented), which we will publish via the ‘By student voice’ blog in order to update members on the impact of their participation.  

How far in advance must I submit a research request or brief?

In general, you should submit your brief at least one month before you would like the research to be completed. This ensures that SXT has sufficient time to prepare a research proposal and make arrangements to administer the research.

For simple projects, it may be possible to conduct the research activity within two weeks of submission of your research brief. In all cases, the research proposal will include a detailed research schedule.  

How much does it cost to use UWIchoice for research?

As an incentive and show of appreciation to students, your unit must sponsor a prize valued at a minimum of BBD 100.00, which will be awarded to UWIchoice members for participation in your research activity. The prize will be awarded to one or more members based on a random draw, which will be administered by SXT on your behalf. In most cases, no other administrative costs will be associated with UWIchoice research activities. However, if special resources are required, SXT will advise you of any associated costs in advance, as part of the research proposal.

Where can I get more information?

Contact Koelle Boyce, QA Coordinator – Student Experience at koelle.boyce@cavehill.uwi.edu with any questions.